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Keeping Resistane Against Oppression!

“Residenzpflicht still means Apartheid”
“Lager still means elimination”

Refugees from Schwäbisch Gmünd on civil disobedience against imprisonment, Restriction of Movement and refugee persecution in Germany
Leke Aremu, Farook Khan, Raphael Paul, Frankline Ndam

We fled from persecution from our various home countries but still the same persecution continues in Germany. We refugees arriving in Germany are already criminalized at the borders by forceful finger printing before our names are even known.
Our political protest started in February 2014 when we discovered the violation of our privacy by being exposed to CCTV camera observation (Close Circuit Tele Vision) that had been installed at the entrance of the isolated refugee Lager in Schwäbisch Gmünd without prior notification. We sent an inmate delegate to the responsible authorities to let them know how we feel about the CCTV camera positioned opposite the entrance of the lager. We stated that it gives us the precarious impression to be held under surveillance control which makes us feel to be prisoners in fear and insecurity to scare us from Self-Organization in the isolated refugee Lager. But the district officials of Schwäbisch Gmünd refused to accept our demand for the removal of the CCTV camera…
continue in the link below:

Deportation Mechanism in 2015

As long as deportation is still functionable for state and being cultural perform, believing in saftyness is unavailable.
Refugees are the direct affected by wars, sanctions, occupations, corruption and romantic terrorism of Europe and specially Germany. Refugees are touching the fear and inscurity in deep dark side of cities and towns. The lively life of Refugees is treated and judged by paragraphs packed in letters from masked offices to be wasted.
How much this awful image is possible to be realized by society?
How much this craped picture can projected by mass media?
How much this presented welcome culture is real?

Break deportation action in Erfurt
Chun. K informed by letter about her deport date and time at 22.02.2015, 22:00. Information comes further to other refugees and activists and this action organized spontanously.

Roma Community Rise Up!

Roma Communities are most Isolated group of Refugees in lager in Germany.
They are facing discrimination, isolation, criminalization and deportation daily by government and constitutions.
The Roma Community Thüringen start it own activities since months for self empowerment and break isolation.

Rally in Erfurt 10.2.2015:

Rally in Weimar 25.11.2014:

Rally in Breitenworbis 05.10.2014:

Testimony in Rally Breitenworbis 05.10.2014:

More Testimony from Refugee Tribunal:
Part 3:

Roma Community against Deportation

Eine weitere Abschiebung steht an. Ein Teil der Roma Famillie Memedovich soll nach Mazedonien abgeschoben werden. Das nehmen wir nicht hin! Wir nehmen es nicht hin, dass Memedovichs aus ihrem Zuhause gerissen werden sollen, als Familie nicht zusammen bleiben dürfen und gezwungen werden, zurück in unzumutbare Lebensumstände zu gehen. Es ist nicht akzeptabel, dass Menschen still und heimlich vom Staat deportiert werden und kein Recht auf ein selbstbestimmtes Leben haben sollen. Menschen müssen das Recht haben, sich aussuchen zu dürfen, wo sie leben!

On 31, Jan 2015 | No Comments | In | By crosspoint

In Memory of Khaled

Rally organised by African Survival in Hamburg,
Friday, 30th. January 2015.
Khaled Idris Bahray was Eritrean Refugee was murdered in Dresden.
Since then Dresden Police and state persecuter in different statments announced their own stories about his death.

part of their statment:

In memory of KHALED IDRIS BAHRAY – Rights and Safety for Refugees!

Khaled Bahray was killed in Dresden on the 13th January 2015. ASUIHA e.V. expresses, in solidarity with his friends and family, our deep sadness in losing our 20 year old Eritrean brother.

The behaviour of Germany’s police force in this case, as in countless past cases, will serve as a distressing reminder of our challenges as African migrants. We therefore will not grieve in silence, but loudly demand safety for all.

Why Trust the Police?

The case of Khaled shows the institutional racism of the German police- who refused to see a dead African migrant with multiple stab wounds as in any way suspicious. This kind of misconduct is not without precedent, with even two African deaths in one day at the hands of the police ttp://

OURY JAhLLOH- Burnt alive in a police cell (Dessau, 07/01/2005)

Hands and feet tied to a mattress in a police cell, Oury burnt alive after a fire broke out. The supervising police officer, busy with a phone conversation, ignored cries for help and the fire alarm. Only in later investigations was a lighter conveniently found- not during earlier searches. The charges against the two officers responsible were dropped in 2008 due to lack of evidence.

LAYE-ALAMA CONDE- Tortured and killed in police custody (Bremen, 07/01/2005)

Laye-Alama was forcibly tied to a metal examination stretcher with handcuffs and cable ties as the police doctor gave Conde an emetic and water to vomit out cocaine pellets he was accused of swallowing. This mistreatment led to Conde entering into a coma from which he did not recover. His lungs ran full of water. The charges against the police doctor were dropped!

The police are not following their own rules!

And so ASUIHA e.V. remains committed to exposing and attacking this growing hegemony of institutional racism in Germany in the name of justice, in the name of equality and in the memory of those killed. EQUAL RIGHTS AND JUSTICE FOR ALL!

On 29, Dez 2014 | No Comments | In | By crosspoint

The lighter Flame

7th Jan. 2005 Oury Jalloh burned in Police cell no. 5 Dessau, Germany.

7. Januar 2015, 13 Uhr
Hauptbahnhof Dessau-Roßlau:
Demonstration und Kundgebung:
Aufklärung und Gerechtigkeit für Oury Jalloh
Mahnwache von der Staataanwaltschaft Dessau
Oury Jalloh das war Mord!

On 17, Dez 2014 | No Comments | In | By crosspoint

10. Jahrestag der Ermordung Oury Jallohs!

Oury Jalloh, das war Mord!
07.01.2005 – 07.01.2015

Vor 10 Jahren ist Oury Jalloh im Polizeirevier Dessau gefesselt an Händen und Füßen verbrannt. Bis heute gibt es keine Aufklärung und keine Gerechtigkeit.

Kundgebung und Demonstration zum 10. Jahrestag der Ermordung Oury Jallohs am 07.01.2015, 14 Uhr, Hauptbahnhof Dessau-Roßlau.

Death in Cell #5
[Column written 4/3/07] © 2007 Mumia Abu-Jamal
A Sierra Leonean refugee named Oury Jalloh burned to death in Cell No. 5 in the city of Dessau, Germany.
The date: January 7, 2005
Police at the station have called it a simple case of suicide.
His friends and fellows have raised serious and disturbing questions, such as: how do you tie your hands and feet, and burn yourself to death?
Since that day to this, friends of Jalloh and anti-racist organizers have been trying to build a movement against racist violence, often perpetrated by the State, especially against African refugees like Oury Jalloh.
Jalloh was 21 years old.
His case has raised that of similar incidents, of clashes between Black immigrants, and the German police. Like that of Dominique Kuomadio, another African refugee, who was shot and killed by German police on April 14, 2006.
When the German General Public Prosecutor was given the case, the conclusion was all but pre-ordained: self-defense.
Anti-racist Germans and refugee support groups there have organized to demand and fund an x-ray of Oury Jalloh’s corpse. This x-ray found that he suffered a broken nose, and serious trauma to his middle ear.
Earlier requests for such an examination were turned down by the State Prosecutor—who said it wasn’t necessary.
And while the cops who may’ve murdered—burned to death—a Black immigrant in a holding cell, face an almost certain impunity, activists who have spoken out against the cops are being sued now for libel and defamation.
Remember Oury Jalloh!
For more information, please contact:
Mumia Abu-Jamal über Oury Jalloh (Deutsche Übersetzung)
Tod in Zelle Nr.5
Der Flüchtling aus Sierra Leone namens Oury Jalloh verbrannte in seiner Zelle in der deutschen Stadt Dessau am 7.Januar, 2005. Die Polizisten der Station bezeichneten es als Selbstmord. Seine Freunde und Kumpel haben einige bedrohliche Fragen erhoben: WIE kann man selbst seine Hände und Füße zusammenbinden und sich dann mit tödlichem Ausgang in Brand setzen?
Seitdem haben Freunde von Yalloh und antirassistische Organisationen versucht, eine Bewegung gegen rassistische Gewalt zu bilden, die oft vom Staat durchgeführt wird. Besonders gegen afrikanische Flüchtlinge wie Oury Jalloh.
Jalloh war 21 Jahre alt. Und antirassistische Deutsche und Migrantengruppen haben sich organisiert, um einen Röntgenaufnahme von Jallohs Leichnam zu fordern und zu finanzieren, wobei sie feststellten, dass er eine gebrochene Nase und Verletzungen am Mittelohr hatte . Frühere Nachfragen betreffs einer Untersuchung deswegen bei offiziellen Stellen wurden mit der Begründung niedergeschlagen, es wäre nicht nötig.
Und während die Polizisten,die womöglich einen schwarzen Migranten ermordet haben, zu Tode verbrannt in seiner Zelle, höchstwahrscheinlich Straffreiheit bekommen werden, erhalten Aktivisten, die die Schergen angeklagt haben, Klagen wegen Verleumdung.
Für mehr Informationen kontaktiert
Bewahrt Oury Jalloh in Erinnerung !
Aus der Todeszelle
Mumia Abu-Jamal
Mumia Abu-Jamal on Oury Jalloh

Mumia Abu-Jamal

Ibrahima Habib:

Roma Community Fight Deportation

Conscienceless politicians enacted a declaration, which is classifying the countries Serbia, Kosovo and Macedonia as so called secure states of origin to live in for Roma people. This declaration was established as to enable mass deportations of Roma into these countries. In the face of the huge numbers of racist discrimination incidents occurring in these countries we have to acknowledge that living in human dignity is completely impossible for Roma there. So we have to assert that these politicians have thereby left the grounds of the liberal-democratic, constitutional structure of the Federal Republic of Germany. They have betrayed the values of the constitution in favor of an ideology and are still insisting on dividing human beings in superior and inferior or “worthy and unworthy”.

Gewissenlose Politiker haben mit der zuletzt beschlossenen Erklärung von Serbien, dem Kosovo und Mazedonien zu sogenannten sicheren Herkunftsstaaten den Weg für Massendeportationen von Roma frei gemacht. Im Angesicht des Ausmaßes rassistischer Diskriminierung in diesen Ländern, welches den Roma ein menschenwürdiges Leben dort völlig unmöglich macht, haben die Politiker mit dieser Entscheidung den Boden der Grundwerte einer freiheitlich-demokratischen Rechtsordnung verlassen, das Grundgesetz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland verraten und sich selbst in die Reihen derer begeben, welche auf einer Unterscheidung in wertes und unwertes Leben bestehen.

Breitenworbis Testimony:

On 05, Dez 2014 | No Comments | In | By crosspoint

Bericht vom ersten Prozesstag in Dessau.

Bericht von erste Verhandlungstag.

Initiative in Gedenken an Oury Jalloh steht in Dessau vor Gericht!

Zwei Aktivisten der Initiative in Gedenken an Oury Jalloh sollen sich ab dem 27. November 2014 auf Drängen der Dessauer Staatsanwaltschaft gemeinsam vor dem Amtsgericht Dessau – Roßlau verteidigen.

Dieser Prozess ist jedoch lediglich ein weiterer verzweifelter Versuch der Polizei Sachsen – Anhalts gemeinsam mit der Dessauer Staatsanwaltschaft gegen die Menschen vorzugehen, die nicht aufgehört haben, nach der Wahrheit zu fragen!

Wir lassen uns durch Repression nicht einschüchtern und mundtot machen!
Oury Jalloh – Das war Mord!

Pressemitteilung der Initiative in Gedenken an Oury Jalloh:

Nächsten Termin:
Freitag, 12.12.2014, 10:00 Uhr
Willy-Lohmann-Str. 33, Dessau
Saal 224

On 28, Nov 2014 | No Comments | In | By crosspoint

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