Police Brutality – Cross Point https://www.cross-point.tv Selforganized Media Collective Wed, 17 Jan 2018 13:54:38 +0000 de-DE hourly 1 Chronologie im Fall von Oury Jalloh – 2005 bis 2018 https://www.cross-point.tv/portfolio/chronologie-im-fall-von-oury-jalloh-2005-bis-2018/ https://www.cross-point.tv/portfolio/chronologie-im-fall-von-oury-jalloh-2005-bis-2018/#respond Mon, 15 Jan 2018 22:02:59 +0000 https://www.cross-point.tv/?post_type=portfolio&p=840 Vor 13 Jahren verbrannte Oury Jalloh in Dessau in einer Polizeizelle, nachdem er durch Polizeibeamte gewaltsam in Gewahrsam genommen und auf einer schwer entflammbaren Matratze an Händen und Füßen fixiert wurde. Bis heute sind die Brand- und Todesursache nicht aufgeklärt, die offiziellen Ermittlungen gingen bislang immer von der Doktrin aus, Oury Jalloh habe den Brand trotz intensiver zweimaliger Leibesvisitationen mit einem dabei übersehenen Feuerzeug selbst entfacht.

Der „rechtsstaatliche“ Umgang mit dem polizeigemachten Verbrennungstod Oury Jallohs war zuletzt durch eine breite mediale und landespolitische Aufmerksamkeit und Aktivität geprägt:

Im April 2017 verwirft der leitende Oberstaatsanwalt in Dessau die 12 Jahre lang von den Behörden aufrechterhaltene Selbstanzündungsdoktrin und leitet Mordermittlungen gegen konkret benannte Polizeibeamte ein. Er regt bei der Bundesanwaltschaft an, diese möge die Mordermittlung leiten. Die Behörde lehnt die Zuständigkeit ab: Die den Beschuldigten zur Last gelegten Taten würden nicht „ausreichen“ um eine Zuständigkeit der Bundesjustiz zu rechtfertigen und ein fremdenfeindliches Motiv wäre nicht erkennbar.

Zur Erinnerung: Wir hatten bereits am 11.11.2013 Anzeige wegen Mordes gegen unbekannte Polizisten beim damaligen Generalbundesanwalt gestellt, da es nicht zu widerlegende Hinweise auf Mord gibt. Auch hier lehnte der Generalbundesanwalt seine Zuständigkeit ab, das Verfahren wurde an Dessau zurückgegeben.

Stattdessen landet die Morduntersuchung bei der Staatsanwaltschaft Halle, die das Verfahren im Sommer 2017 einstellt, weil angeblich die Faktenlage „uneindeutig“ ist und auch keine neuen Erkenntnisse zu „erwarten“ seien.


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democracy: collective dictatory https://www.cross-point.tv/portfolio/democracy-collective-dictatory/ https://www.cross-point.tv/portfolio/democracy-collective-dictatory/#respond Sat, 20 Jun 2015 17:36:22 +0000 https://www.cross-point.tv/?post_type=portfolio&p=795 The German Judiciaries and administrative authorities work to protect police system, its brutality, its crimes, its abuses and its power of political repression against the refugee community.

How the legal system works here in Germany could be observed once again yesterday for one more time – it is not about justice but moreover to protect especially police its brutality while executing racist laws and duty. For this reason the courts even join in to criminalize in an institutionalized fashion.

Yesterday was a very long day of prejudice and injustice – the court trial almost took 8 hours. It was another new experience for me to understand how this system can punish and criminalize you at the same long time and again and again.

The court’s decision was absolutely wrong. They have to protect “their” executive police – so they can’t acknowledge my rights against this backdrop. The judge was so heavily under pressure that he must have diced against me for punishment. I saw the court noticing: ‘yes, its ok we know you are right but we can’t judge about police brutality without taking into account that the judge has to protect the rights of police.
The judges particularly emphasized on how much police officer sacrifice every day duty on protecting people and saving their lives. This is why they can never realize nor accept the police routinely brutalizing refugees on an everyday level – not to mention killing them in different ways like for instance Oury Jalloh, who was burnt alive in a police cell
in Dessau back in 2005.

I was brutalized by the German police officer’s and I bitten by a released police dog. How they can assume I am a criminal by defending my rights, my dignity and integrity of my body from further harm?
It’s because the system works like that if you are refugee in Germany:
they punish you, they criminalize you, they neglect and take away your dignity…and also in future every refugees will and can be brutalized or killed by German police without legal consequence.

But our fight is not finished yet – it continues as long as it takes!

I am appealing to the refugee communities and the pro refugee activists to stand by me.

Touch one – Touch all.

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Do you like your job? https://www.cross-point.tv/portfolio/do-you-like-your-job/ https://www.cross-point.tv/portfolio/do-you-like-your-job/#respond Thu, 04 Jun 2015 15:48:14 +0000 https://www.cross-point.tv/?post_type=portfolio&p=787 Seit März 2014 forderten Flüchtlinge aus dem Lager Schwäbisch Gmünd in Baden Württemberg den Abbau einer neu installierten Videoüberwachungskamera vor dem Eingang des Kasernenblocks.

Polizeieinsatz auf Veranlassung der Leiterin des Lagers, Frau Katja Rettenmeier, im Lager. Polizeihauptkommissar Lenz setzt Polizeihunde ein. Zwei Flüchtlinge und ein Polizist werden durch Hundebisse verletzt.

Danach folgen Strafanzeigen gegen Farooq Khan wegen Nötigung, gegen Siakam Tchamo wegen Beleidigung und gegen Stanley Inegbenose wegen Widerstand und versuchter Körperverletzung.

Gegen den Strafbefehl in Höhe von 750 Euro wegen angeblicher Nötigung legt Farooq Khan Widerspruch ein.

In der Berufungsverhandlung verurteilt Richter Hegele, Amtsgericht Schwäbisch Gmünd, Farooq Khan wegen Nötigung zu 300 Euro Geldstrafe plus Verfahrenskosten.

Farooq Khan fordert Freispruch und legt Berufung ein. Die Staatsanwaltschaft Ellwangen  vertreten durch Staatsanwalt Hengstler fordert eine höhere Verurteilung und legt Berufung ein.

Am 17. Juni 2015 findet die Berufungsverhandlung vor dem Landgericht Ellwangen statt.

Since March 2014 refugees from the camp in Schwabisch Gmund Baden Württemberg/Germany demanded the breakdown of newly installed CCTV camera in front of the entrance of the barrack blocks.

Police operation at the request of the director of the camp, Ms. Katja Rettenmaier, in the camp. Polizeihauptkomissar Lenz uses police dogs. Two refugees and one police injured by dog ​​bites.

After criminal charges were constructed by the police against Farooq Khan for coercion, against Siakam Tchamo for insulting and against Stanley Inegbenose for resistance and attempted assault.

Against the punishment amounting to 750 euros for alleged coercion Farooq Khan puts a contradiction.

In the appeal hearing the judge, Mr. Hegele, local district court Schwabisch Gmund, sentenced Farooq Khan because of compulsion to 300 euro fine plus court costs.

Farooq Khan urges Acquittal and lodges an appeal. The Ellwangen prosecutor requests a greater conviction and lodges an appeal.

On 17 June 2015, the appeal hearing will be held in the regional district court Ellwangen.

background information:

Refugee Initiative Schwäbisch Gmünd
Protest against Lager Repression in Schwäbisch Gmünd – written Chronical and Foto-Documentation
https://de-de.facebook.com/refugeesinitiative/photos/a.370255696420901.1… (10.04.2014)

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Miloud: „It’s Racism!“ https://www.cross-point.tv/portfolio/miloud-ts-racism/ https://www.cross-point.tv/portfolio/miloud-ts-racism/#respond Sat, 30 May 2015 10:20:52 +0000 https://www.cross-point.tv/?post_type=portfolio&p=780 Am Donnerstag, den 28. Mai 2015, sollte ab 10:20 Uhr eine Verhandlung gegen Miloud Lamar Cheriff vor dem Amtsgericht Arnstadt wegen des Tatvorwurfs der Beleidigung stattfinden. Für die Verhandlung ordnete Richter Türpitz Sicherheitskontrollen an, Besucher*innen wurden nach Waffen und ähnlichem durchsucht und mussten ein Ausweisdokument vorzeigen – für Polizisten galt dies nicht. In Arnstadt hatte man wohl nicht damit gerechnet, dass das betreffende Verfahren sich über den gewohnten Alltag hinaus zu einer Besonderheit entwickeln sollte.

Eingeplant wurden exakt 40 Minuten. Aufgrund der Sicherheitskontrollen konnte jedoch erst 10:50 Uhr mit der Verhandlung begonnen werden, einschließlich der Unterbrechungen durch ein Rechtsgespräch zwischen den Verfahrensbeteiligten endete sie 13:10 Uhr.

Warum mich nun die Verhandlung von der Einschätzung des Richters ab?

read more:

https://www.cross-point.tv/portfolio/miloud-ts-racism/feed/ 0
3/3 https://www.cross-point.tv/portfolio/3-3/ https://www.cross-point.tv/portfolio/3-3/#respond Mon, 30 Mar 2015 20:41:26 +0000 https://www.cross-point.tv/?post_type=portfolio&p=738 DIE VERFOLGUNG DURCH DIE „RESIDENZPFLICHT“ FINDET WEITER STATT – DIE ANGEBLICHE ABSCHAFFUNG IST EINE INFAMY LÜGE !!!
Flüchtlinge aus Schwäbisch Gmünd befinden im zivilen Ungehorsam gegen Freiheitsberaubung, Einschränkung der Bewegungsfreiheit und Verfolgung von Flüchtlingen in Deutschland.

Wir weigern uns die “Strafe” zu bezahlen, weil wir die “Residenzpflicht” als Verletzung unseres Grundrechts auf Bewegungsfreiheit und als rassistische Diskriminierung ansehen.


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2/3 https://www.cross-point.tv/portfolio/2-3/ https://www.cross-point.tv/portfolio/2-3/#respond Wed, 25 Mar 2015 23:03:23 +0000 https://www.cross-point.tv/?post_type=portfolio&p=727 NO COMPROMISE TO APARTHEID RESIDENZPFLICHT

10.03.2015 Refugee activist from Schwäbisch Gmünd in continuation of their protest give a report about the isolated refugee Lager in Memmingen that is located beside the court and close to the Airport. At same place the court against Usman G. took place. He was in prison for 7 weeks since January 2015 cause breaking the ABOLISHED Residenzpflicht law.

We demand the dropping of all Residenzpflicht charges against Refugees in Germany.
We demand complete abolition of Apartheid Residenzpflicht in Germany.

More about Usman:

https://www.cross-point.tv/portfolio/2-3/feed/ 0
Keeping Resistane Against Oppression! https://www.cross-point.tv/portfolio/keeping-resistane-against-oppression/ https://www.cross-point.tv/portfolio/keeping-resistane-against-oppression/#respond Sat, 07 Mar 2015 12:54:10 +0000 https://www.cross-point.tv/?post_type=portfolio&p=701 “Residenzpflicht still means Apartheid”
“Lager still means elimination”

Refugees from Schwäbisch Gmünd on civil disobedience against imprisonment, Restriction of Movement and refugee persecution in Germany
Leke Aremu, Farook Khan, Raphael Paul, Frankline Ndam

We fled from persecution from our various home countries but still the same persecution continues in Germany. We refugees arriving in Germany are already criminalized at the borders by forceful finger printing before our names are even known.
Our political protest started in February 2014 when we discovered the violation of our privacy by being exposed to CCTV camera observation (Close Circuit Tele Vision) that had been installed at the entrance of the isolated refugee Lager in Schwäbisch Gmünd without prior notification. We sent an inmate delegate to the responsible authorities to let them know how we feel about the CCTV camera positioned opposite the entrance of the lager. We stated that it gives us the precarious impression to be held under surveillance control which makes us feel to be prisoners in fear and insecurity to scare us from Self-Organization in the isolated refugee Lager. But the district officials of Schwäbisch Gmünd refused to accept our demand for the removal of the CCTV camera…
continue in the link below:

https://www.cross-point.tv/portfolio/keeping-resistane-against-oppression/feed/ 0
Deportation Mechanism in 2015 https://www.cross-point.tv/portfolio/deportation-mechanism-in-2015/ https://www.cross-point.tv/portfolio/deportation-mechanism-in-2015/#respond Tue, 24 Feb 2015 22:20:31 +0000 https://www.cross-point.tv/?post_type=portfolio&p=697 As long as deportation is still functionable for state and being cultural perform, believing in saftyness is unavailable.
Refugees are the direct affected by wars, sanctions, occupations, corruption and romantic terrorism of Europe and specially Germany. Refugees are touching the fear and inscurity in deep dark side of cities and towns. The lively life of Refugees is treated and judged by paragraphs packed in letters from masked offices to be wasted.
How much this awful image is possible to be realized by society?
How much this craped picture can projected by mass media?
How much this presented welcome culture is real?

Break deportation action in Erfurt
Chun. K informed by letter about her deport date and time at 22.02.2015, 22:00. Information comes further to other refugees and activists and this action organized spontanously.

https://www.cross-point.tv/portfolio/deportation-mechanism-in-2015/feed/ 0
In Memory of Khaled https://www.cross-point.tv/portfolio/in-memory-of-khaledd/ https://www.cross-point.tv/portfolio/in-memory-of-khaledd/#respond Sat, 31 Jan 2015 14:56:16 +0000 https://www.cross-point.tv/?post_type=portfolio&p=681 Rally organised by African Survival in Hamburg,
Friday, 30th. January 2015.
Khaled Idris Bahray was Eritrean Refugee was murdered in Dresden.
Since then Dresden Police and state persecuter in different statments announced their own stories about his death.

part of their statment:

In memory of KHALED IDRIS BAHRAY – Rights and Safety for Refugees!

Khaled Bahray was killed in Dresden on the 13th January 2015. ASUIHA e.V. expresses, in solidarity with his friends and family, our deep sadness in losing our 20 year old Eritrean brother.

The behaviour of Germany’s police force in this case, as in countless past cases, will serve as a distressing reminder of our challenges as African migrants. We therefore will not grieve in silence, but loudly demand safety for all.

Why Trust the Police?

The case of Khaled shows the institutional racism of the German police- who refused to see a dead African migrant with multiple stab wounds as in any way suspicious. This kind of misconduct is not without precedent, with even two African deaths in one day at the hands of the police ttp://www.mdr.de/sachsen/toter-asylbewerber-dresden106.html

OURY JAhLLOH- Burnt alive in a police cell (Dessau, 07/01/2005)

Hands and feet tied to a mattress in a police cell, Oury burnt alive after a fire broke out. The supervising police officer, busy with a phone conversation, ignored cries for help and the fire alarm. Only in later investigations was a lighter conveniently found- not during earlier searches. The charges against the two officers responsible were dropped in 2008 due to lack of evidence.

LAYE-ALAMA CONDE- Tortured and killed in police custody (Bremen, 07/01/2005)

Laye-Alama was forcibly tied to a metal examination stretcher with handcuffs and cable ties as the police doctor gave Conde an emetic and water to vomit out cocaine pellets he was accused of swallowing. This mistreatment led to Conde entering into a coma from which he did not recover. His lungs ran full of water. The charges against the police doctor were dropped!

The police are not following their own rules!

And so ASUIHA e.V. remains committed to exposing and attacking this growing hegemony of institutional racism in Germany in the name of justice, in the name of equality and in the memory of those killed. EQUAL RIGHTS AND JUSTICE FOR ALL!

https://www.cross-point.tv/portfolio/in-memory-of-khaledd/feed/ 0
The lighter Flame https://www.cross-point.tv/portfolio/the-ligter-flame/ https://www.cross-point.tv/portfolio/the-ligter-flame/#respond Mon, 29 Dec 2014 14:47:32 +0000 https://www.cross-point.tv/?post_type=portfolio&p=678 7th Jan. 2005 Oury Jalloh burned in Police cell no. 5 Dessau, Germany.

7. Januar 2015, 13 Uhr
Hauptbahnhof Dessau-Roßlau:
Demonstration und Kundgebung:
Aufklärung und Gerechtigkeit für Oury Jalloh
Mahnwache von der Staataanwaltschaft Dessau
Oury Jalloh das war Mord!

https://www.cross-point.tv/portfolio/the-ligter-flame/feed/ 0